Hope Ministry

Healing Opportunities through Presence and Encouragement

We offer support groups for people who are struggling. Whether you are facing grief, addiction, divorce, anxiety, or life challenges, you can find support here. Hope Ministry offers a safe and confidential space where you can share your story, receive encouragement, and find biblically based hope in God’s love and grace. Our groups are led by a group of pastors, deacons, and trained facilitators. 

Hope Ministry is an integral part of the Discipleship Team and partners with other ministries of the church to identify and care for those who need support. The needs of the church are served by the Care and Hope Ministries partnering together. The Care Ministry responds to immediate needs and crisis situations. The Hope Ministry facilitates groups that provide ongoing support for those in need.

Hope for Homeless

HOPE for Homeless exists to provide food and essentials to those in need, primarily in Uptown Charlotte on the first Friday of each month. We also provide a time of worship, prayer, and consistent relationships by our monthly commitment to be present and meet needs.

Donations can conveniently be dropped off throughout the week, including Sundays, at the designated "Deliveries" room located at the East Lobby Entrance.
For more info or to join our team, contact Monica.


Watch the video below for instructions on where to donate:


Ways to be involved:



Provide food, snacks, and drinks items for our 50 care packages each month or donate towards the purchase of food items. Sign up to provide meals by contacting Monica.


Donate toiletries, basic hygiene items and weather conducive clothing for both men and women. You can drop these items off at our Arrowood Campus throughout the week or on Sunday mornings.


Assist with prep at the Arrowood campus lobby on the first Friday of the month from 3:30-4:30pm or you meet us Uptown to serve the local homeless community from 5:00pm -6:00pm.


Stories of Hope