
Chris & Betty Hund

WEC International


Chris and Betty became interested in missions shortly after they were saved in the Netherlands in 1983. They were involved in church planting in the Netherlands and became WEC missionaries in 1997.

For 10 years they’ve worked with WEC’s Rainbows of Hope ministry among children in crisis. The first five years with semi-street children in Madrid, Spain; the last five years as International Directors for ROH in the Fort Mill, SC HQ office, coordinating the worldwide ministry. In 2007 they were elected Dutch WEC Sending Base Directors.

In 2016 they were elected to be the WEC Area Directors for Europe. Within WEC Europe Chris & Betty were responsible for the following countries; Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, the Balkans (Greece-Albania-Macedonia), Russia and for Cornerstone, WEC’s Bible College for Missionary Training in the Netherlands.

After four years as Area Directors, Chris and Betty stepped down in December 2020 and from March 2021 onwards will be part of the Member Care Department of WEC the Netherlands. What is Member Care (MC)? The Global MC Network puts it like this: “Member Care is the ongoing preparation, equipping and empowering of missionaries for effective and sustainable life, ministry and work.” Chris and Betty will be responsible for overseeing and giving member care to Dutch missionaries in the Netherlands and overseas.

Chris & Betty continue to work from their home country of the Netherlands. They have three children and eight grandchildren.

For more information about the Hunds and their ministry with WEC International:

Email: chris.hund@gmail.com

Website: www.wecinternational.org