
Doug Christensen



Doug grew up in a Christian family and a church family that has loved and followed Jesus for several generations. He trusted Christ as his Savior and Lord as a young child. He is thankful that because of Christ’s death on the cross, He is forgiven and adopted as a child of the King.

God called him to serve in missions during a missions conference at his home church, the Hawthorne Gospel Church, NJ. That’s where he met Esther, his best friend, wife, soul-mate, and partner in ministry. He studied and received BBA and MBA degrees from Pace University, New York City, and an MA in Missions from Columbia International University.

His family and he have served with SIM since 1988, first in Cochabamba, Bolivia, among the Quechua People. In 1996 God led them to serve at SIM’s International and US offices in Charlotte, NC. That’s when they joined Steele Creek Church of Charlotte in its first year as a church.

When people ask him what he does for a living, he sometimes replies that “He is a CPA for Jesus!” That generally elicits a follow-up question such as “Does Jesus need a CPA?” He then tells people that Jesus has more money than Saudi Arabia’s Sovereign Wealth Fund, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet combined, and that he wants to make sure that the funds given to SIM are invested well for Jesus. His role and ministry title at SIM is Director of Relationship Development Ministry and Special Assistant to the CFO. This means that he teaches SIM workers how to biblically build and maintain a full and engaged prayer and financial support team. He provides direction for their missionary support system, including budgets, compensation, and expense reimbursements for their workers.

God blessed Esther and him with four wonderful children, two daughters-in-law, and six grandchildren. Esther taught Quechua women and children in Bolivia to read and to know and follow Jesus. She later became the Assistant to SIM’s International Director for the Americas. Esther was diagnosed with ALS Lou Gehrig’s disease in 2015. Their daughters’ Heidi and Erica moved home to help him care for Esther. He prayed daily for God to heal Esther, and if not, to give Esther and them the grace and help needed to get through each day. God answered those prayers, and in the midst of great difficulties, God did amazing things in and through their family, friends, neighbors, and churches. God healed and took Esther home to heaven in 2019. God is giving much hesed steadfast loyal love, hope, healing and help to him and his family. He believes that God has new chapters of life and ministry for him in the days ahead.

For more information about Doug and his ministry with SIM:

Email: doug.christensen@sim.org

Website: www.simusa.org