
John & Rachel Reaser

Shoulder to Shoulder Mexico


John and Rachel Reaser are the founders and directors of Shoulder to Shoulder Mexico. Their passion is to bring every possible resource to empower the local church, bringing hope and light to the world.

The church is God’s simple yet amazing plan to be His hands and His feet in every corner of the world. When we work with the local church bringing food and shelter to the homeless or building a house for a widow or when we give a Bible to every home in our community, provide medical and dental care and rebuild roofs after a hurricane, we multiply our work through the efforts of many and shine the Light that will never go out. The church continues to point people to the true hope that is Jesus Christ. When STS can help the local church expand its impact in the community, God brings a transformation in lives that lasts for all eternity.

The Reasers have been missionaries in Mexico for 20 years. Their extensive experience in church planting and development is what inspired them to establish a ministry that serves, supports and trains the church in creative and tangible ways. As directors of STS they lead a team of missionaries who are passionate about serving the local church. A church that is thriving, impacting the community and reproducing. A church that is showing up to make God’s presence felt.

Will you partner with us and the local church to be the hands and feet of Jesus and make His light shine brighter?

For more information about the Reasers and their ministry with Shoulder to Shoulder Mexico:

Email: jwrreaser@gmail.com

Website: stsmexico.org