
Steve & Merrilee Torgerson

SALT (Systematic Asian Leadership Training)


Steve served as CEO/Executive Director of SALT until June 30, 2020, when he handed over the reins of leadership to SALT’s Chinese staff team. They now make their home in the USA, where Steve serves as SALT’s Development Director. The Torgersons first went to Asia in April 1983 as church planters and served the Chinese church in Asia for 37 years.

The SALT ministry targets church leaders in Asia who have a lower education, low income and work among a people group that is rapidly growing in Christian faith. SALT’s specialty is to equip local church leaders with a curriculum that they are able to teach. They work at making the SALT curriculum material very indigenous. The Chinese church and SE Asia has been SALT’s focus for 20+ years. The SALT ministry in Asia is made up entirely of nationals.

Merrilee served as women’s ministry coordinator and Bible study leader in their Hong Kong church. Steve and Merrilee have three grown children.

For more information about the Torgersons and their ministry with SALT:

Email: stevetorg@gmail.com merrileetorg@gmail.com

Website: www.saltinternational.org