
Lake Traverse Reservation

South Dakota


The Lake Traverse Reservation is located in the northeast corner of South Dakota. There are currently 13,872 enrolled members who are located within the United States; however, the population on the reservation is merely 2,435 according to the 2000 Census. The tribe consists of 7 districts run by the tribal council. The reservation was established by treaty on February 19, 1867. Don and Teena Lykins and their family have been ministering to the Native American people since 2000.

In response to a need for a place for campers who have aged out of camp and their families to grow in their faith, Dakota Sonshine began a church plant in the summer of 2020. Many churches in the area are seen as ‘family’ churches so those who haven’t grown up in the church aren’t always comfortable attending those churches or they find that they are unfortunately law-based organizations which only leads to frustration and abandoning their faith. Dakota Sonshine will be attempting to create a safe environment for new believers to grow and feel comfortable in a less formal setting. Their hope is to grow the converts and develop future leaders within the community while also promoting racial reconciliation.